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Landing pages with too few inbound links (< 5)

The value of internal linking

A well-executed link scheme makes any resource more valuable to its users, therefore, helping behavioral factors, such as Bounce Rate and Average Time on Site. This then increases the chances of users purchasing a product or service. As the user can find their desired products faster, by clicking on valuable and useful links.

Links leading to these pages are then indexed by the search robots. This means they are then included in the search engine database.

The number of internal links per page indicates how important that page is within the site. The more links that lead to the page, the more important the page.

Using internal links can improve the position of a page within your site. However, this should always be done naturally. Too many internal links could be viewed as spam, and then adversely affect your website's ranking.

It is vital to use an adequate number of links to your landing pages, this shows the search engines that these are important pages. It also allows quicker indexing of the pages and improves behavioral factors, e.g. click-through rate.

What happens if there are not enough internal links to your landing pages

  • It will be more difficult for search robots to find and index the page. Therefore, slowing down its indexing, especially when updates are made to the page.
  • If there are very few links to the page from other pages on the site, its link weight will be low, meaning it's unlikely to rank as well in competitive searches.
  • Users will be less likely to land on a page with fewer inbound links.

Conclusion: It's imperative that all landing pages you are trying to promote receive a sufficient number of internal links.

"Landing pages with not enough inbound links (< 5)" report

What does this report show?

Indicates landing pages with less than five inbound links.

Internal linking recommendations:

  • Ensure the links are relevant - they must correspond to the topic of the page.
  • Use keywords in the anchor text (this is the text that holds the link).
  • Try not to place several identical outbound links (leading to the same page).
  • Links from authoritative content to your site can give link weight to your landing pages.

How to fix the issue

This report shows the number of inbound internal links and outbound internal links. This is important because a page with too few inbound links will be hard for the search robots to crawl, making it less likely to be indexed, and therefore ranked in the search results.

Once you have identified landing pages with not enough inbound links you can rectify it by linking from other relevant pages within your sites.

  • Ensure you use relevant keywords within the anchor text.
  • Link from the most authoritative content to pass on more link authority.
  • Don't replicate the same link, with the same anchor text on one page.