18 November 2020

About Company


In 2005 we were running a highly successful SEO agency that was constantly expanding and therefore needing to outsource more and more of our day to day manual SEO tasks.

As you can imagine, this is not ideal in terms of quality control nor profits. When you own a growing agency outsourcing lots of your SEO tasks, it becomes very hard to control the quality of the SEO work you are outsourcing. Thus, we started looking for software that we could use to forgo the need for outsourcing manual SEO tasks.

At that time, there weren't any start-to-finish SEO tools available that fulfilled all the SEO needs of our clients and the day to day management of their online portfolios, and as the software available was not fit for our needs nor our clients, we decided to create an all-in-one SEO that could.

Labrika in 2020:

As a bootstrapped company, up until 2020, we have relied and grown our business solely on word of mouth and delivering consistent results. Fortunately for us, due to a large increase in users this year, we decided to expand our reach further into the US, UK, CA, and European markets by reinvesting our hard earned bootstrapped profits so that our product can help more SEO’s streamline their processes and increase their results.

Based on Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 currently; we are set to hit nearly 50K users. None of this would have been possible without all of our team members consistent innovation, hard work and most importantly, our ever growing satisfied customer base choosing to use Labrika month in and month out.


Our mission is simple; to provide you with the best SEO software on the market.


  • Nearly 80,000 users from more than 50 different countries.
  • 640,000,000+ pages processed so far this year – with over 1,000,000 pages processed by our AI algorithm every single day for our users.
  • 184,000,000+ keywords processed and counting.

Our team

Labrika is fortunate enough to have acquired an extremely talented team from all over the world. We have employees from the UK, US, CA, Europe and will be hiring in Spain and France in the coming months.
We are always on the lookout for new talent, so if you have what it takes to work at a fast paced SaaS company that prides itself on customer service and innovation then don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll see if you are a good fit.


Start your free trial now