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External links

Optimizers often find links on a website to low-quality external resources. Bad links can reduce a site's position in search results or even exclude it entirely from search results if the search engine considers these links to be dangerous.

Signs of low quality external links:

  • Point to little-known and low-quality Internet resources, or sites with a lot of advertising.
  • Do not correspond to the subject of the website on which they are posted.
  • Point to prohibited, fraudulent and "adult" resources.
  • Hidden links invisible to users.
  • Sponsored links with commercial anchors (link texts).
  • Links that do not open at the specified URL.

Free templates often include links embedded in the footer (bottom of the website) pointing to the template developer and other resources the template creator is interested in. These links do not bring benefit to the site owner. Even worse, they reduce the page weight indicator which leaks value to third-party resources.

It's important to consider that search engines only approve external links that lead to high-quality authoritative, relevant resources, and which respond to user requests.

Report "External sites" content

  1. List of external links.
  2. List of the external links.
  3. "Show All" button - click to see all the resources on which this link is placed.

How to fix the issue

In this report, you can see external outbound links. By clicking on 'show all' you can see which resources within your site link to this external resource.

Knowing the pages you link to externally is key, as it's a sign of trustworthiness. If you link to non-relevant, spam, low-quality content this can then affect your page's ranking.

Once you have analyzed your outbound links you can then decide whether they are relevant to your page or trustworthy. If not, they should be removed and replaced (where necessary) with better quality external links.